Chris Archibee Joins the Mannix Marketing Leadership Team as Culture Ambassador

Mannix Marketing recently appointed Chris Archibee as Culture Ambassador, a new role within the leadership team designed to help maintain the company’s strong culture, further community outreach, and assist the leadership team with innovative processes in support of company growth.chris archibee smiling

Sara Mannix, Founder, and CEO of Mannix Marketing stated, “Chris was a natural choice for the Culture Ambassador position at Mannix, as he embodies our core values. He is someone that everyone on the team respects and admires. As we move forward as a remote company, culture is something that we must be intentional about in order to ensure a work environment where everyone is included and celebrated and camaraderie and teamwork thrive. This role is pivotal to embracing equity and inclusion and promoting employee well-being and community involvement and Chris has the vision to make this happen. I’m very grateful that he has joined the leadership team in this role.” 

In this new position, Chris desires to help each individual team member remain connected and ensure they are getting the most out of their experience at Mannix. He also hopes to be a resource to team members and managers as they advance towards goals and provide the best service they can to Mannix’s clientele. 

Chris has an incredible grasp on the culture of Mannix Marketing due to his 21 years of service in the company. His dedication to serving the community and Mannix’s clients is apparent in a myriad of ways. One area he is excited to help the company grow in is diversity. 

“I think it’s important to have viewpoints that are coming from various sources and various points of view. That means making sure that we have people of different races, creeds, and sexual orientations on our team.” Chris went on to explain why he felt this was important, stating, “We never know who our clients are going to be. We have clients from all different walks of life who are marketing their products to people of all different backgrounds. It’s our job to do the best job we can for our clients, and in order to do so, we need to be speaking the language of their target market. We have to speak the language and walk the walk with a myriad of different subsets of people.”

Another area Chris looks forward to focusing on is espousing Mannix’s beliefs and values within the communities the company serves, helping that community-minded value system grow and overflow into the community that surrounds it. 

When asked what he’s most looking forward to in this new position, Chris stated, “Relationships! I really miss the office. I’m looking forward to purposefully establishing strong relationships and having those sort of ‘water-cooler conversations’ in order to put forth better content and create better experiences for everyone on the team.”

About Bree Hayden

Bree joined Mannix Marketing in April 2022 as a Digital Marketing & Content Strategist, adding her skills in writing, editing, social media marketing, and content strategy to the team. She loves supporting local businesses and is passionate about helping Mannix clients grow their presence online and in their community. She is always working hard to stay on the cutting edge of today’s marketing trends. Bree graduated with honors from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. She loves to read, write, and she has a small nail polish business, which she creates in her home in the Adirondacks. Bree and her husband, Kyle, have several spoiled cats and one very goofy dog.