8 Reasons Every Business Needs an Optimized Google My Business Listing

Google My Business logo displayed on smartphoneWe all know Google rules the internet. Now it’s your turn to rule Google.

Google My Business (GMB) is quickly becoming one of Google’s main products, allowing businesses with physical locations manage their online presence across Google Maps and Google Search Results.

Because of this, I wanted to share some of the main reasons why claiming and optimizing your GMB listing is more critical and valuable than ever before.  Let’s dive right in and start ruling!

8 Reasons to Optimize Your Google My Business Listing

If you haven’t claimed and optimized your Google My Business listing, your business could be missing out! There are numerous benefits of incorporating GMB as part of your digital marketing strategy, including:

1. Better Map Results

Google My Business Maps Screen Shot

Claiming and optimizing your GMB helps Google better understand your offering and match your business to relevant searches. The more complete and detailed the information in your GMB account, the more likely you are to show up in Google search results and the local map 3-pack.

2. Easier for Customers to Find You

An old phone number or wrong address can frustrate customers and cost you business. By optimizing and verifying your GMB, you’re able to correct errors in your listing and make updates if you move, change your phone number or get a new website URL.

3. More Real Estate on Google’s Search Results

Building out your Google My Business profile allows you to take up more controlled real estate on Google. The more control you have, the easier it is to brand your business the way you want to be portrayed.

4. Instant Customer Interaction

Google My Business Click to Call Phone Number Screenshot

When a Google search is performed on a mobile device, the user can simply and easily “click to call” your business directly from your GMB listing. Less scrolling and clicking means a better customer experience and fewer barriers between you and potential customers.

5. Another Website Citation

To perform well in local search results, it helps to have multiple citations with consistent NAPs (name, address, phone number) across the web. An accurate GMB provides your business with an additional citation, which could help with your website’s organic search placement. Bonus: Having consistent info about your business on different platforms can help with voice readiness.

Read this post for more details on the importance of citations and NAPS.

6. Accurate Info on Google Maps APIs

Many businesses display Google Maps on their own website using a Google Maps API. By claiming and optimizing your GMB, you’ll ensure your business information is accurate and up-to-date across all sites using the Google Maps API.

7. Did I mention GMB is Free?

It costs nothing to claim and set up your GMB listing, at least for now! You can add your business name, address, phone, website, business category, hours, photos and so much more to Google Maps for free.

8. Consistently New Functionality

Google My Business is rapidly replacing Google’s previous local platforms: Google+ Pages and Google Places for Business. GMB is consistently rolling out new features to its platform. Having a verified, optimized listing will have you primed and ready to use these additional features like “Google Offer Posts” or “Chat” through GMB. Hint: since GMB is rolling out all of these features, this is a pretty darn good clue that they are investing a LOT into this platform.

Claim & Verify Your Google My Business Listing Today!

Make sure you are putting your best foot forward with a well optimized, verified Google My Business. Doing so, you can get ahead of your competition and brand yourself the way YOU want to be portrayed. Let Google know you care about your local presence and you could be rewarded with better visibility in the Google Maps and Google Search results.

Not sure where to start? Overwhelmed by all the new features or how to position your brand for the best result on GMB? Talk to Mannix. We have firsthand experience with the Google My Business platform, and have been helping businesses claim and optimize their listings with great success since the tool was introduced in 2014. Call 518-743-9424 to find out how we can help you rule on Google.