Having trouble making your Twitter account private? You’re not alone.
With Twitter’s recent dashboard changes, many users are struggling to find the privacy feature that protects their tweets. Below, we break down the simple steps to making your Twitter account private, in addition to providing some insight on what exactly that entails.
What does making your Twitter account private mean?
When you make your Twitter account “private,” only people who follow you will be able to see your Tweets. That means when you have a private twitter account, users will have to send you a “follow request” and you will need to approve each new follower in order for them to see your Tweets.
Why make your Twitter account private?
Most people make their Twitter accounts private as an effort to strive off unwanted replies and messages. Some people also choose to make their Twitter accounts private for a professional reasons, such as a high school teacher who doesn’t want their students to know their personal life.
Those reasons are valid for personal accounts. However, if you’re a business who’s mission is to grow your social media following, we would strongly suggest not to make your Twitter account private.
For a business, a private Twitter account is like flipping the “Open” sign on your door to “Closed.” It prevents future customers from learning more about you, your brand, and your offerings.
Make Your Twitter Account Private in 3 Steps
Can you follow three simple steps? If so, then you can protect your tweets! Follow the mobile or desktop instructions below to make your Twitter account private.
How to Make Your Twitter Account Private – Desktop Version
1. On your Twitter dashboard, click the “…” or “… More” icon in the task bar.

2. Select “Settings and privacy.”

3. Select “Security and account access” and then check the box next to “Protect your Tweets.” Make sure you see the check mark!

How to Make Your Twitter Account Private – Mobile Version
1. Whether you’re on Twitter Mobile or the Twitter App, hit your profile picture to open the task bar. Then, tap “Settings and Privacy.”

2. Tap “Privacy and safety.”

3. Switch on “Protect your Tweets.”

Now that’s done… what’s next?
Congrats, you just made your Twitter account private! (Or maybe you didn’t after reading our answer to Question #2…) Either way, if you’ve learned something about social media today!
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Editor’s Note: This content was originally published in May 2013 but has been updated as of October 2020.