How “Keeping Up With the Joneses” Applies to your Website

Do you remember the saying “keeping up with the Joneses”? It refers to always being one step ahead of your neighbor. If they buy a new car, you feel like you must buy a new car too – only yours will be fully loaded. On a very simplistic level, let’s elaborate on the fact that to keep up with your neighbors, you must be aware of what they are doing. This also applies to your website! Here are a few steps to get you started on always being one step ahead of your internet neighbors.

First, determine who your competitors are. Geographical location is a good place to start if you are a brick-and-mortar, but don’t forget the businesses that hold the top spots for your keywords online as well. After this is determined, do an analysis of their website to find out what they are up to and how you can go one step further.

A. Check their website functionality. What kind of information are they offering? Do they have more thorough information than you do? Take this as an opportunity to elaborate on your products or services. Provide all the information your searcher will need so that they don’t have to go looking elsewhere. Be sure not to overwhelm the searcher as you add to your site – keep it simple and logical and make sure your navigation is clear.

Is your competition offering a newsletter or writing articles? If you’re not, it’s time to start (assuming you have the time and or manpower to do it properly). Newsletters are a great way to keep your company name fresh and to alert the consumer about your upcoming special offers. Take it one step further and offer something on your website that your competitor is not. Be creative!

B. Product or Service Pricing. You must have competitive pricing on the internet. People will shop around and try to get the best bargain or deal. Why wouldn’t they when it’s so easy to do so? Be aware of your competitor’s pricing and specials. Make your specials known by placing an easy to see advertisement on the home page and modifying your PPC Ads to reflect your current deal. Make it easy for the searcher to come back to your site by offering a “Bookmark This Page” link.

C. Backwards Links: Check your competitor’s backward links and make sure you are listed where they are. Take it one step further and continue researching relevant sites that offer links or advertising. Saturate the internet with your presence.

There is nothing wrong with healthy competition on the internet, especially if it is the catalyst that drives you to the next level of marketing. Make sure you are doing at least as much marketing as your “neighbor” and then take it one step further.

Don’t have the time? Contact Mannix Marketing for assistance. We’d be happy to help.