What is CRO and Why is it Important?

Conversion rate optimization concept drawingMannix Marketing has been in the website business for over twenty years and we’ve watched the function and purpose of a website, as well as the art of Search Engine Optimization, evolve tremendously over the years.

In the early days, a website was a place holder for a business, a vehicle with which to achieve a coveted keyword position within the search engine results pages. Job done. Mission accomplished. Oh, the good ol’ days!

But slowly but surely, a position was not enough to satisfy a client as we realized that a position didn’t always equal increased business. What good is a #1 position if that’s the only reward?

The objective of the website then began to expand, to include engagement and conversions and thus the emersion of Conversion Rate Optimization.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion Rate Optimization – or CRO – can be explained as a structured plan for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers.

More simply, CRO means getting more users to take a desired action on a website with the purpose of generating more business.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimization Important?

If you want to use your website to generate additional business and leads for your company, investing time and resources in conversion rate optimization can help you to do so.

CRO helps you to move more of your website visitors down the funnel towards purchasing a product or connecting with you about the services your business has to offer. Getting more value from the customers you already have is easier than getting new customers, so this is a very worthwhile investment to make.

Increased revenue is a byproduct of CRO, as is acquiring more customers and growing your business.

Conversion rate optimization is important because it is focused specifically on making it easy and straightforward for site users to convert to customers on your website, which can help to increase leads, sales, and ultimately revenue for your organization. This can help to make your website a more successful, valuable asset.

Focusing on conversion rate optimization and closely monitoring lead generation can help you to determine which efforts are working and which ones are not, guiding you where to spend your advertising dollars. It can also help you to measure the success of a website and the success of the marketing program applied to that website.

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Here are a few ideas on how to optimize to improve the conversion rate on your business’ website:

Personalize Your Approach.

A personalized approach to a customer experience means that you are reaching them where they are and accept and use their preferred method of communication. The result is an increased confidence that the customer has in your company, the increased likelihood that they will spend money and a strengthening of the existing bond.

80% of future revenue comes from 20% of your existing clients. The effort it takes to make them feel valued, appreciated and understood is well worth it.

Exceed Customer Expectations.

Understand your target audience and work hard to surpass what they expect. Try to provide them with exactly what they are looking for and anticipate their needs. Set up the conversion funnel in a way that is easy to navigate. If there is a deadline to be met, beat it.

Track Loyal Clients.

By increasing the value of your customers, you should see an increase in sales. Track a sample of loyal clients and how much they spend per month and look to see that it increases with time. Retain. Strengthen. Grow.

Looking for More Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies?

Be sure to check out our Ultimate Conversion Rate Optimization Guide for more CRO recommendations and tips!

Want to take your conversion rate optimization efforts to the next level? Partner with Mannix Marketing! Our digital marketing strategists can put together a conversion rate optimization program tailored to your specific website. We’ll help you to understand how your website could be improved and consult with you to help make improvements that will encourage more of your website visitors to convert to customers.

Learn more about the conversion rate optimization services we offer here.

Think we could make a difference for your business? Give us a call at 518-743-9424 or contact us online to get the conversation started!