Do I Need a Website for My Business?

Website UI/UX front end designer reading client specification document and sketching wireframe layout design for responsive web contentIf you’re a business owner who is currently wondering whether or not you really need to invest in a website, we’re here to point you in the right direction.

And that direction is: Yes, you absolutely need a website for your business.

Now, we may seem biased since we’re a marketing and web development company – BUT we also know a thing or two about marketing businesses online. And we’ll let you in on a secret: One of the most powerful tools you can utilize to market your organization on the Internet is a website.

Yes, a website is an added investment and yes, it’s another aspect of your business that you will have to keep up with and maintain. But more importantly, a website can provide you with a huge return on investment when it comes to marketing your business, helping you to attract new customers (and keep existing customers) while driving profitability up.

Still not quite convinced that your business needs a website? Here are 5 key ways an effective website can benefit your organization.

5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Website

There are dozens of ways a website can be advantageous for your company. Here are just a few of the key reasons it’s well worth it to invest in a website.

So People Searching For You Online Can Find You

These days, when people are in need of a product or service, the first place they tend to look is the Internet. Even if they ask for word-of-mouth recommendations, they will likely turn to the web to do some follow up research on the products or providers they are considering.

Ensuring that your business can be found online – and has a web presence that portrays everything you have to offer accurately – puts you at a huge advantage when it comes to attracting new customers.

So You Control the Narrative About Your Organization

A website is where people go to learn about your company’s culture, story, products, services, and what makes you a rock star in your industry. Having your own website gives you full control over how your company is represented. It’s your property on the web where you have full creative license and the ability to showcase what you have to offer.

The layout, color scheme, and overall content are specific to your brand, and the site can grow and evolve with your business over time. (The same can’t be said for other platforms, like Facebook and Google My Business – though they are important in their own ways when it comes to marketing your business online.)

So You Can Be Available to Customers (and Gather Leads) 24/7

People come to you when they’re ready to buy. And sometimes they’re ready to buy at 10:30pm. Or 1am. With a website, you can be ready for your customers anytime, and provide them with the information they need at any hour of the day.

With an e-commerce site, customers can purchase your products or schedule services at any hour of the day. Include a contact form on your site and interested customers can reach out to you whenever they are ready – even if you’re not standing by waiting for their call. That means you can be gathering new leads while you sleep!

So You Can Answer Questions

A website serves as a platform where you can answer customer questions, and persuade potential customers to choose your product or service over your competitors’ offerings. From product overviews to customer testimonials, a website is where the real purchase decisions take place, and where visitors are converted into leads!

Having a website gives you the opportunity to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry, which can help to establish you as a reputable resource that loyal customers will recommend and new clients will turn to again and again.

So You Can Market Your Business Effectively

In this day and age, marketing your business online is key. More and more consumers are shopping online and using the Internet as a resource to vet the product or service options they are considering. If your business can’t be found online, it might not be found by these consumers at all.

Having an up-to-date website that can serve as a hub for all of your marketing efforts is essential when it comes to establishing an online presence and promoting your business effectively in the digital world and beyond.

Think Your Business Needs A Website? Wondering What To Do Next?

If you’re ready to take your business’ online presence to the next level with a website, you’ve come to the right place. With decades of experience building successful websites for businesses in a variety of industries, we know what it takes to help clients build their web presence from the ground up.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about building a custom website for your business. Contact us online to schedule a meeting, or give us a call at 518-743-9424 and we’d be happy to help you get started!

Curious about what it’s like to work with us to create a website for your business? Get an inside look at our website design and development process here.