Not All Website Hosting Is Created Equal

Web hosting digital vector illustration So you have a great site and you are being found on the web. Mannix Marketing designed your site and hosts it… but you just learned you can host cheaper on for $1.99 a month and GoDaddy for $3/month.

So why are you paying $500/year for Mannix Marketing hosting?

We offer high quality SEO-friendly hosting services. It is important for the integrity of your website to be hosted on a quality server, and our company offers:

  • Fast servers
  • 24-7 support
  • Knowledgeable staff
  • No language barriers (we speak clear English!)

Our focus is your internet marketing, and we do not feel it’s worth the savings to compromise quality for cost. This is a once-yearly cost for what should be one of your most important marketing efforts.

Does Mannix Marketing offer cheaper website hosting?

No. We’ve tried the cheaper hosting services and it was a nightmare on many levels. Though we could offer cheaper hosting through one of the many inexpensive services, we have made a conscientious decision to offer only quality hosting and services for our clients. If we can’t do it right, we’d rather not do it at all.

What does Mannix Marketing offer to make it worth paying extra for hosting?

Every once in a while, I get a panicked call from someone with their hosting on a cheap hosting service whose site was hacked. They have no one to turn to as there are no back-ups and no one to actually help the customer fix the problem.  They’ve contacted the company and really don’t know what to do as the site has been down for an extended period of time.

No, our servers aren’t hackproof (even Microsoft was hacked once). However, for those who host with us, we take care of a problem like that within 24 hours, not weeks. We’ve had clients who had used passwords that were too easy (like 0000) and had their sites hacked, and we were able to remove the viruses and restore their sites in a matter of hours.

So why should you host your website with Mannix Marketing?

#1 Reason: Unbeatable Service – y se habla Ingles!

  • Round-the-clock service: If you call Mannix Marketing off hours, even on Christmas and New Years, you can always dial emergency support, and one of the local people you know and talk to every day at Mannix Marketing will call you back and fix things. Someone is always on-call for emergencies. We are paged 24-7 if there is trouble on our servers.  We’ve had clients working late at night inadvertently delete sections of their websites, and we were there to help them recover everything. Having trouble logging in? Forgot your passwords? No worries, Mannix Marketing is there to help you literally whenever you need it.
  • No hold time: When you do call our support, there will be zero hold time or close to it, and we are English-speaking.  We don’t put you on hold for hours at a time. We will take your problem, fix it and call you back when it’s fixed.
  • No language barriers: When you are trying to work through an urgent problem with your website, one of the most frustrating obstacles to overcome can be trying to understand and be understood by a service agent who does not speak clear English. You won’t run into that with us. We speak English, and it’s our first language!
  • Email help: We take care of setting up your email, talk to you when you have questions – even when they are completely unrelated to our services. So when you call because you just got a new smart phone and you want your email to do XYZ, we are there to help you.

#2 Reason: SEO – We Get You Found On The Web

  • Proper setup: We work too hard on your website, setting it up properly so it can be found in the search engines (SEO), to leave the hosting up to just anyone. We’ve seen too many cases where people go down for weeks at a time or have the wrong server set up (incorrect redirection), which has resulted in lost business or lost potential business. We make it our business to be sure that your server is set up properly.
  • No bad neighbors: When it comes to hosting, “know your neighbors.” In the old days of SEO, who you shared hosting with did matter, and your IP address mattered. We can’t be sure how much that still matters, but we don’t take chances. We don’t take on porn sites, spammy sites or any “bad neighbors” as clients to be sure it won’t negatively affect your SEO.
  • Speed matters to Google: The load speed of your website is extremely important to search engines. We limit the number of websites per server, which is critical for optimum performance of your website. Having a fast loading site is a crucial part of SEO, and therefore, we are committed to providing the best possible speed for your site.
    I recently attended an internet marketing conference, and one of the sessions was titled “Breaking the Speed Limit: Faster Sites Win!”  The session was dedicated to how important having a fast site is for doing well in the search engines and how much it mattered to the end users as well. Jonathan Hochman offered some very interesting information about how critical having a fast site and fast server is for search. He offered this fact:

“There is a direct relationship between page load speed and conversion rates.  Amazon found a 1% decrease in sales for every .1 second decrease in response times. Other studies have identified speed as the single most critical factor for ecommerce conversion” – Steve Francia, Internet Evolution.

Hosting Speed Matters

This screen shot from a hosting testing tool shows the same site loading in 1 second vs. 12 seconds due to difference in quality of hosting.

#3 Reason: Back-ups – You’ll Never Have To Start Over From Scratch With Us!

  • Peace of mind: Your website is backed up fully every night when you host with us. If you spent all day adding products to your e-commerce shopping cart, or if your SEO specialist spent the past week working on your pages, you want to know that information is securely backed up. If for any reason you were hacked or lost your data (remember, even was hacked; nothing is hackproof) you don’t have to worry or redo everything. We have a backup and can easily restore your site.

#4 Reason: Statistics and Analytics – Know What’s Working And What’s Not!

  • Free stats analysis: Is my site working? What can I do to improve? We can answer that. We set up stats for your website and will help you understand them anytime you want, free of charge. We will also set up Google Analytics at no charge as that offers further insights.

Can you still work with us if your site is hosted with a cheap web hosting company?

We would love to still work with you, but it’s important to recognize that there will be some limitations.

We can work on your search engine optimization (helping your site get found in the search engines). We can run your internet advertising, including pay per click, and we can help you devise a strategy for internet marketing.

However, you will need to find a company who will handle your website design, development, edits and support. We will not work with other hosting companies in these capacities as we lose too much time working with support teams who are inept and/or not properly staffed.

Interested in learning more about hosting your website with us?

With our comprehensive web hosting services, you’ll never have to worry about backing up your website, unhelpful staff, hidden fees, or having to rebuild your website from scratch. Our annual web-hosting plan is a one-stop shop, and our experienced staff is available 24/7 for support all for the low cost of $500/year.

Interested in hosting your site with us? Let’s talk. Give us a call at  518-743-9424 to chat with us about the web hosting solutions we offer.

About Sara Mannix

Sara Mannix founded Mannix in 1996 with a goal to get clients found on the web through organic search engine optimization (SEO). The company now serves over 1500 clients worldwide and employs a team of 30 specialists, operating under the tagline "Success Measured." The tagline reflects the company's focus on measurable results for every client. This multifaceted company is an industry leader, specializing in organic SEO, conversion rate optimization, SEO-friendly website design, paid advertising (PPC). Mannix Marketing has two divisions, one side is focused on lead generation for nationally competitive businesses. The other side is focused on local businesses. Mannix has one of the largest portfolios of tourism and city guides in Upstate New York. These guides, (,,, and etc), reach over 10 million visitors a year. Corresponding social media profiles for the region extend this reach to millions every month.