15 Facebook Timeline Contests Ideas That You Can Use TODAY!

Did you know that businesses can now run contests directly on their Facebook timeline? In the past you would need a third party app to do this, but not anymore! You can now launch a quick contest with a simple status post. Fans can enter by simply liking the post, leaving a comment or posting a photo.

So why exactly would you want to run a contest on your Facebook page, you ask? Well, for a number of reasons! Here are just a few:

  • More visibility for your business
  • Increased engagement on your page
  • Give something back to your fans (They will probably brag about it to their friends)
  • Get feedback on new products
  • Get more likes
  • Stay “top of mind”
  • It’s fun, super easy and highly effective

In light of the recent change, I put together 15 sample posts for Facebook Timeline contests that are sure to increase likes and comments on your page. Feel to copy or edit these posts for your own timeline contests. I hope they inspire an idea or two. Here we go:

1Facebook Timeline Contest. Who’s excited for [holiday/event this weekend]? Like this post for a chance to win free tickets!

2. Caption this picture! The comment that gets the most likes will win a [prize]. Winner will be picked tomorrow at 5pm EST.

3. If you could eat only one thing from our menu for 365 days, what would it be? Share with us for your chance to win a $50 gift card to our restaurant. Winner will be announced at 3pm EST on Tuesday!

4. What’s your favorite product of ours? Comment below to win a free [prize].

5. #MotivationalMonday Time to inspire! Upload your favorite quote image in the comments below. One lucky fan will win [prize]!

6. #FridayFunDay We could use a good laugh! Tell us a funny joke in the comments below. The comment that gets the most likes by tomorrow at 4pm will win a [prize]!

7. On a scale of 1-10 what do you think of our new product pictured below? (10 being the best.) The person who leaves the best feedback in the comments will win the product totally free! Winner will be chosen at 5pm EST tomorrow.

8. We’re almost to 1,000 fans. Click like to celebrate! The 100th like will get a free [prize].

9. Who is your favorite employee at our company and why? Comment below to win a free [prize].

10. Who is excited for winter in the Adirondacks? Like this post for your chance to win [prize].

11. We’re launching a new menu item and we want your feedback. Comment below and tell us what item you think we should add to our menu.  The winner will get a free month of the menu item! We’ll announce the winner on our fan page at 2pm EST tomorrow.

12. Write the word “coupon” below for your chance to get 40% off your next purchase at [your business]. Enter before 5pm EST tomorrow!

13. Click “like” if you can’t wait for the weekend. At 2pm EST this Saturday we’ll pick a winner who’ll get a weekend trip for two to Lake Placid!

14. What will the score of tonight’s game be between (two football teams)? The closest guess will win [prize]. Winner will be announced at 8am tomorrow morning on our fan page.

15. My favorite song is ________ by __________.  Post your favorite song and artist below and win tickets to [concert in area]! We’ll pick a winner from the comments at 5pm on Wednesday!

General Tips:

The simpler you keep your Facebook timeline contests, the better. Users don’t have to think — they just have to click “like.”

Use contests to gather market research. If you’re launching a newFacebook logo product, a new section on your website, an event, etc. run a Facebook Timeline contest to get feedback (or first impressions) in advance.

Facebook still does not allow pages to require users to like their page in order to enter contests — only status updates. The only way to really drive page likes with a Facebook contest or promotion is to host it using a fan-gated app like WooBox. (Contact us for more details.)

So, there you have it! My two cents on the new timeline contest features. Has anyone tested it out yet? Is your business planning to host a timeline contest? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below. Good luck!

Looking for more Facebook Marketing Tips? Check out a few of my other articles:

About Sara Mannix

Sara Mannix founded Mannix in 1996 with a goal to get clients found on the web through organic search engine optimization (SEO). The company now serves over 1500 clients worldwide and employs a team of 30 specialists, operating under the tagline "Success Measured." The tagline reflects the company's focus on measurable results for every client. This multifaceted company is an industry leader, specializing in organic SEO, conversion rate optimization, SEO-friendly website design, paid advertising (PPC). Mannix Marketing has two divisions, one side is focused on lead generation for nationally competitive businesses. The other side is focused on local businesses. Mannix has one of the largest portfolios of tourism and city guides in Upstate New York. These guides, (Albany.com, Saratoga.com, LakeGeorge.com, and Adirondack.net etc), reach over 10 million visitors a year. Corresponding social media profiles for the region extend this reach to millions every month.