Lawyer Website Credibility Factors- Is Your Website Trustworthy?

Your website says a lot about your brand- so much so that it actually affects how much business you firm will generate this year. And for most consumers, your website is the first point of interaction with your brand. For that simple reason it’s crucial that your website conveys a strong sense of credibility about you law firm!

Last week Jennie wrote a very helpful article on the “8 Essential Internet Marketing Tips for Lawyers and Attorneys.” To follow up on that topic, I’m going to hone in on a central part of your online marketing efforts- your website. By incorporating the following examples into your website design plan, your firm can increase its perceived trustworthiness to visitors.

1. Clean Home Page Design

Take a moment to consider your visitor’s mindset when they come to your website. They’re probably in a hurry, searching for answers to their questions, and trying to determine if your firm has the expertise to win their case.

A clean and uncluttered home page is the start to a great relationship with your potential clients. The design should convey a sense of authority; it should tell people that “I know what you need, and you’ve come to the right place.”

In fact, research shows that it takes people just a few seconds to form an impression of your website!

2. Intuitive Navigation

Categorizing web pages is a skill that makes it easy for people to navigate around your website. The primary navigation should appear across the top of every page of your website as a reference to your most important web pages.

For lawyer or attorney websites, important pages to feature in the primary navigation often include:

– Home
– Practice Areas
– Attorney Profiles
– Case Results (or Testimonials)
– FAQs
– Contact

We often say that the pages in your primary navigation are your “conversion” pages because these sections of your website contain the information that will convert visitors into leads.

3. Attorney Images

When it comes to legal issues, people are already in a vulnerable state. They need someone who are trustworthy, confident, and capable of winning their case.

But how can people really get to know your firm and your team if you don’t have pictures of your staff on your website? They can’t.

Incorporating profile images to your website is a great way to add personality, while helping people connect a name with a face.

4. Awards, Memberships and Affiliations

Being a qualified attorney may not be the first thing people look for on your website, but it will definitely make an impact when they compare you to your competitors. The key here is to draw subtle attention to your awards and memberships with the logos of those accolades.

If you firm is a member of the regional bar associations, the BBB, or even local chambers, display these logos on your website.

5. Availability

We live in a time when people are constantly searching for company information. And for your law firm to capitalize on this, your “open” sign must always be up.

One of the Live Chat features I would recommend is Ngage. By incorporating a Live Chat software into your website, interaction with potential clients begins as they are browsing through your website. Earlier interaction with a prospect while they are showing interest in your firm is a great way to capitalize on their inquisitiveness while showing your attentiveness to their needs.

6. FAQs

How often do you find yourself answering the same  questions over and over to your potential clients? Wouldn’t it be great if your website could handle some of those questions for you?

Well, you’re in luck! An FAQ page is ideal for providing answers to common questions. Not only will this save you time from answering repeat questions, but it will help your website visitors get their questions answered in a more timely manner. In turn, this can lead to a better user-experience.

7. Cases Won / Case Results

People want to see how well your firm has performed in the past. Your track record should be a display of honor; an opportunity to highlight to your expertise in winning cases.

Adding case results to your website is also a great way to improve your search engine results as law-related search phrases are being incorporated into your web pages.

8. Easy-to-Locate Contact Information

Have you ever visited a website and wondered how to get in touch with the business? It’s a frustrating feeling that often leaves us with no other option but to return to Google and check a competitor’s website.

If you want people to call you for a consultation then make sure your phone number is prominently displayed on every page of the website.

9. Easy-to-Read Page Copy

Your website’s page copy is a critical part of the design, and should entice visitors to learn more about your firm and contact you for a consultation.

We all know that lengthy paragraphs of text will cause our eyes to glaze over. People don’t read web pages- they scan web pages! Break-up the long paragraphs and don’t be afraid to strategically incorporate some white space into your design.

Most importantly, avoid the legal jargon. Remember- your visitors are not lawyers, so that language probably won’t resonate well. If the way you communicate on your website is over my head, is there any reason to think our first meeting will be any different?

Let your web page copy reflect the tone and language you would use if you were actually speaking with a client. This can help website visitors begin to imagine what it will be like when they actually schedule an appointment with you.

Start Improving Your Website’s Credibility Today

Your website is either an asset or a liability to your brand’s credibility.

A website that communicates trust is one that brings in more business to its firm. So at the end of the day, wouldn’t you want your website to do some of the leg work for positioning your firm in the best light possible?

Whether your firm already has a website or you’re considering a new website, building credibility online is a never-ending process. If you’re ready to showcase your firm’s credibility online then contact Mannix Marketing today at 518-743-9424 to schedule your no obligation online marketing strategy session.

About Sara Mannix

Sara Mannix founded Mannix in 1996 with a goal to get clients found on the web through organic search engine optimization (SEO). The company now serves over 1500 clients worldwide and employs a team of 30 specialists, operating under the tagline "Success Measured." The tagline reflects the company's focus on measurable results for every client. This multifaceted company is an industry leader, specializing in organic SEO, conversion rate optimization, SEO-friendly website design, paid advertising (PPC). Mannix Marketing has two divisions, one side is focused on lead generation for nationally competitive businesses. The other side is focused on local businesses. Mannix has one of the largest portfolios of tourism and city guides in Upstate New York. These guides, (,,, and etc), reach over 10 million visitors a year. Corresponding social media profiles for the region extend this reach to millions every month.