LinkedIn Company Pages: Best Practices

Looking for the best ways to optimize LinkedIn company pages? Whether you’re one of those businesses who have had their LinkedIn Company page for awhile or you are just getting started on LinkedIn, chances are there are a few things you may be overlooking. (Note: we will NOT be going over the qualifications for creating a LinkedIn page in this post). Here we have put together a collection of “Best Practices” for LinkedIn company pages, and we hope you are able to put them to good use for your business!

HOW TO EDIT: You can access the fields mentioned below and more using the “pencil edit button” located on your company page when you’re logged into your personal account. (Note: there is no way to login as a page or use LinkedIn as a page). When you are done making changes, click the “Save” button.

Fill Out The Basics

Sometimes stating the obvious is necessary because there are businesses out there that will forget to input one or more of the following:

  • Company Name: Be short and sweet, leaving off the LLC, etc.
  • Tagline: Here you can write a quick description or tagline about your company.
  • Buttons: A good place to add a link back to your website.
  • Description: Here you can go into detail on your company’s products and services, value propositions and more.
  • Page Admins: If there are others at your company who you want to give access to make changes and post updates to the company page, you can add them in. Note: You can only name admins from your current connections.
  • Company Specialties: List the skills and services your company has to offer. This is a great way to ensure your company gets found in the LinkedIn searches by professionals who are looking for your services.
  • Company Website URL: This is one of the most important things to add so that visitors to your LinkedIn company page can find more detailed information on your business.
  • Company Location: Put down where you’re located! You can add up to 100 different locations if applicable.

Add Your Images

Company Banner Image On LinkedIn

Similar to Facebook cover photos, Linkedin banner images can be added to company pages, and these add visual interest and branding to your business page. Things to note when uploading an image:

  • Image dimensions: 1,536 x 768 pixels is recommended
  • Files types accepted: PNG or JPEG
  • Max size: 2 MB
  • Note: You can crop your image once it’s uploaded
  • Tip: See our list of 20 Best Sites For Cheap or Free Graphics

Company Logo On LinkedIn

Similar to Facebook profile photos, LinkedIn’s logo appears towards the top of your company page. It is also the logo that appears in your connections’ news feeds when you post updates. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Image dimensions: 300 x 300 pixels is recommended
  • Files types accepted: PNG or JPEG
  • Max size: 2 MB
  • Note: Your image will be cropped to fit standard logo dimensions

Here’s what our page looks like all decked out:
Mannix Marketing LinkedIn company page

Create A Showcase Page

If your business has a brand, business unit or long term company initiative that have a specific audience, think about creating a Showcase page for it. The Showcase page is associated with the main company page, and offers many of the same features.

Share Updates

When you’re on your company page, there is a box that says, “Start a post.” Here you can provide value to give people a reason why they want to follow your company. Post often, maybe once every day or two if possible. This helps keep you top-of-mind for your followers. You can also target your posts to keep them relevant if they only apply to certain audiences. Some post ideas include:

  • Company news
  • Industry articles
  • Insider tips
  • ‘Fun’ posts that show you are human
  • Meaningful quotes
  • Humorous posts
  • Upcoming events
  • Special offers
  • New product releases
  • Relevant photos
  • Etc.

Get Your Link

When you search and click on your company via LinkedIn search, you will likely end up landing on your company page via a link that is not so easy on the eyes. For example, our link is

If you’re looking for something that’s easier to remember and share, there is a secret link recipe: + your company name separated by hyphens

So for example, we added our company name as Mannix Marketing. That means our link is This is why it’s important to keep your company name field as short and sweet as possible (as mentioned above) because that is what LinkedIn uses to auto-generate your company page url. Once you have your “easy on the eyes” link, you can more easily promote it.

Promote, Promote, Promote!

After you have your LinkedIn company page all set, you’re not done yet… you can now show it off! Just as you promote your Facebook page across your business materials, do so with your LinkedIn profile. Your goal here is to gain as many followers as possible. People can follow your updates when they visit your company page and click the blue ‘Follow’ button (don’t forget to do this yourself, and ask your colleagues to do so as well!). Here are some ideas for promoting your page to get you started…

  • Edit your personal LinkedIn profile, under “company name” begin typing and select your company page as it appears
  • Add a link from your email signature
  • Include on your business cards
  • Cross promote from Facebook, Twitter and your other social profiles
  • Add a link to your ecampaigns
  • Send out a dedicated eblast asking your subscribers to connect with your new page

There you have it, the best practices for LinkedIn company pages… is there anything else you would add to this list?


Related Reading:
15 Ways To Get More Facebook Fans
Twitter Vocabulary 101 – what you need to know about MT, RT, @, FF and Verification

About Sara Mannix

Sara Mannix founded Mannix in 1996 with a goal to get clients found on the web through organic search engine optimization (SEO). The company now serves over 1500 clients worldwide and employs a team of 30 specialists, operating under the tagline "Success Measured." The tagline reflects the company's focus on measurable results for every client. This multifaceted company is an industry leader, specializing in organic SEO, conversion rate optimization, SEO-friendly website design, paid advertising (PPC). Mannix Marketing has two divisions, one side is focused on lead generation for nationally competitive businesses. The other side is focused on local businesses. Mannix has one of the largest portfolios of tourism and city guides in Upstate New York. These guides, (,,, and etc), reach over 10 million visitors a year. Corresponding social media profiles for the region extend this reach to millions every month.