3 Reasons Your Website Needs a Responsive Web Design 

LakeGeorge.com Mobile-Friendly Responsive WebsiteWebsite design has evolved tremendously over the past decade, but one of the most significant, long-standing, and influential changes has been the advent of responsive web design. 

While users used to access websites solely through desktop computers, now they’re surfing the web on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and other devices, too. As a result, it’s more important than ever before to make sure users can access your website effectively on whatever device or platform they choose. 

That’s where responsive web design comes in. 

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive design is a method of creating and programming a website that enables the site to respond to the device on which it’s being viewed, rendering appropriately based on the device’s size and format.

In other words, responsive web design makes it possible for users to view and interact with your website effectively on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. 

Why Should I Redesign My Website to Make It Responsive?

At this point, there are many reasons to invest in a responsive website for your business. Here are three of the top reasons we think it’s absolutely worth it to redesign your website to make it responsive: 

So Users Can Access & Interact With Your Site on All Devices

 On a very basic level, responsive design is key because it enables users to access and interact with your website effectively on a variety of devices. Given how people use the internet these days, and with website traffic from mobile devices on the rise, having a site that’s mobile-friendly is imperative if you want to keep up with the times – and with the competition. 

User experience is a huge factor when it comes to the success of your website. Having a responsive website that users can easily access from any device can also show that your business is up to date and conscious of its customers’ needs. 

Redesigning your website to make it responsive can up the ante when it comes to your users’ experience, helping you to take your website – and your business – to the next level.

So You Can Convert More Browsers to Buyers

If you create a site that can be read and easily navigated on all devices, you will sell more. It’s that simple. 

People don’t like to pinch and zoom in to try to read what your site says. They don’t like trying to click on tiny links to move around your website. If users become too frustrated trying to navigate your site, they will leave before they make a purchase. 

If they stay long enough to reach the point at which they’re ready to buy but can’t move through the purchase process quickly and easily, they may abandon their effort and take their business elsewhere. 

So Your Site Will Perform Better in the Search Engines

From a search engine optimization perspective, a site that features responsive web design is far superior to a site that does not. 

Google has established that using responsive web design is industry best practice, and recommends that webmasters follow this best practice by creating sites that serve the same HTML for all devices and use CSS media queries to render the site based on the device being used. 

If you want your website to perform better in search, investing in a responsive redesign is an important step to take.

Is Investing in a Responsive Website Worth It?

A responsive website can benefit your business in a variety of ways, beyond the three reasons mentioned above. It can help you increase website traffic, lower your site’s bounce rate, reduce site maintenance (especially if you’re converting to responsive from a separate mobile site), improve your brand’s online appearance, and more. Depending on your site’s current design, you could stand to gain even more from improving your site through a responsive redesign. 

In short, the answer is YES. For most businesses, it is absolutely worth it to invest in a website that features responsive design. But you don’t just have to take our word for it. Check out this portfolio of case studies featuring businesses who have invested in responsive sites to see just how impactful a responsive website design can be! 

Interested in a Responsive Website Design? Here’s What To Do Next:

The best way to learn more about how a responsive website could benefit your business specifically is by talking to a digital marketing strategist who can review your site with you and help you understand where there’s room for improvement.

If you’re ready to convert more leads to sales and grow your business while improving your online presence, a responsive website redesign could be just what you need! Book a call with digital marketing strategist Chris Archibee today or contact us online to get the conversation started and take the next step towards a responsive website custom designed for your business!

Still not quite sure whether your site is in need of a redesign? Review 9 signs that it’s time for a website redesign here.

Editor’s Note: This content was originally published in February 2013 but has been updated as of October 2020.