Evergreen Content Can Contribute Greatly to a Website

Content remains one of the most important aspects of any SEO Campaign. It’s the driving force that keeps a website moving forward, keeps a website updated and keeps a website fresh. There are two main types of content: Evergreen and Short Term. In this blog post, we will concentrate on Evergreen Content.

Evergreen Content is my content of choice. This content is information that is for the most part timeless. This means that the copy you are writing will need little or no modifications throughout the years. It is recommended that you view and make minor modifications to your Evergreen Content approximately once per year as part of your SEO marketing strategy. Some very common forms of evergreen content are:

  • Historical Data
  • How To Info
  • Informational Content
  • Reference or Factual Content

As you can see from the examples, this type of copy will stand the test of time. It can be placed in your navigation and remain there. To ensure that these types of pages will continue to benefit your website, make sure from the very beginning that the URL string is formatted correctly and that the site map and navigation are updated with the information. URL formation should follow this format:


If you format your URL’s this way, your page names can also remain constant and you will add to your website instead of adding to one page (that would be if you added more cupcakes types to the original cupcake page instead of creating a page for each cupcake type).

Organization is imperative when you are expanding a website with content. Often a client will resist the idea of adding to their website, thinking that it will clutter their main points or become too overwhelming. The remedy to this is to make sure that the searcher can still easily and logically find the page (s) that they are looking for through your navigation or site map. Adding Evergreen Content is very much worth the effort.

Mannix Marketing has professional copywriters on staff if you need assistance with writing Evergreen content. Call us today or contact us online!