On-Site SEO More Important Than Ever

You may have heard this phrase circulating within the SEO World … “Likes are the new links”.  Let’s explore this briefly and ultimately show you how it plays into your Search Engine Optimization campaign. It is well known that an incoming link has contributed ultimately to your rank within the search engines. A quality incoming link demonstrated that your website was “popular” or “active” or “liked” and therefore served as a recommendation to the search engines who would then determine if you were worthy to be ranked highly within their index. As part of any seo campaign, “link popularity” was a major factor. Attracting a link exchange, submitting to free and paid directories, releasing press releases or even buying a high PageRank link all had to be part of your strategy.

With the introduction and boom of social media, there has been a shift from whoever can “buy” the most incoming links to those who can earn the most “likes”. So, what would attract somebody to “like” your website? The answer is CONTENT. If your website is providing the information that will satisfy a searcher, chances are they will “like” your page.

Facebook Like icon

Now more than ever, it is important to have a high quality website with pertinent information. Take some time over the next few weeks, perhaps in preparation for the New Year, and analyze your site. Do some quality control and really make note of whether or not your navigation includes pages that relate to your topic. Don’t skimp on the information! Think of ways to increase and improve what you already have. Build on your website base and don’t stop until you have a “like-worthy” website.

Mannix Marketing can certainly help with an analysis of your website. We also provide copywriting services, seo services, press release services and social media marketing. We’ve got all you need for a well rounded internet marketing campaign.